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Chinese Five Elements of the Son from Mother

The Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart was a statistical chart to predict baby gender using in the Forbidden City of the Ching Dynasty. The gender prediction uses a woman's Chinese age and the Chinese lunar month of the conception. This is not a Chinese astrology method.

Chinese Astrology uses Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth) relationship to predict when you will spend more time with your children. That's is the Five Element Mother-and-Child Relationship.

If the element of the son appears in the astrological yearly cycle, then the major event of that year will be related to the son. That means you will spend more time with you son.

If you know which element sign is your child, then you can use this application to find which Chinese astrological year contains the element of your son. That year might be the birth year of your son.

If you are a man, then you need to use Father-and-Son Relationship page to find the element sign of your child.

Find the Birth Year of Your Son

Select a Year:

Select a year to give birth a baby and click the Display Five Elements in the Selected Year button to list the Yin Yang Five-Element signs on that year.

If the the Elements Sign of a Baby Boy in there, then the mother has a better chance to have a boy on the selected year.

The birth year is not the conception year. The duration of pregnancy is about ten months.

Find the Element Sign of Son in the Year

Find the Element Sign of Son from Father

Chinese Feng Shui 168 Helps you to have a Baby Boy

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