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Chinese Astrology Birth Chart to Birthday Converter

The Chinese Astrology Birth Chart to Birthday Convert (BirthChart2Date.exe) Program is an Add-on component for Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology software version 8 or above. It's required the Personal birthday database (Names.mdb of Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology) to run this program. It can be launched by clicking the Icon Calendar in the Toolbar toolbar of Fortune Angel Astrology software.

This tool is very simple to use. You need to build the Astrology Birth Chart first, by selecting the Stem and Branch from Radio buttons for Year, Month, Day and Hour columns, then click Calculator icon Calculator to convert birth chart information into birthday and time. Then you can save the birthday and time to Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology personal data database by click the Save button save.

input data form

Instructions Step by Step

The first step is to select and highlight the Year Stem of Year Column in yellow. Select a Stem in the Frame of Stems. The yellow guider will move down to the Branch of Year Column, then select a Branch in the Frame of Branches. And continue to fill Stems and Branches for Month, Day and Hour Column. After clicking on the Calculator icon calculator, the birth year, month, day and hour will appear on the screen.

input data form

You have the option to see the next available birthday, by clicking on the Next Icon next.

next data form

If you enter the wrong Stem or Branch for Month or Year Columns, then the Monthly Stem and Branch List for that year will appear.

input data form

You can double-click on the correct Stem or Brach to replace the Stem and Branch in the Month Column.

It's same that for Day and Hour Columns. If the wrong Stem or Branch are found in the Day or Hour Columns, then the Bi-Hourly Stem and Branch List for that year will appear.

popup form

You can double-click on the correct Stem or Brach to replace the Stem and Branch in the Hour Column.

Click on the Save button save, the Personal Birth Data will appear.

save birth data

You can enter the people' name and click the Save button save to save the data into database. Or you can delete the record by click the Delete delete button.

The Toolbar Icons

Clicking on the USA Flag button US flag, the Astrology Birth Chart Diagram will be displayed in graphic symbols.

input data form

Clicking on the Calendar button delete, you can look for the Stem and Branch for each year. If you click on the cell, then you will see the Stem and Branch for each month, day and hour.

list zodiac year

Clicking on the Face button faces, you can review the Personal Data database.

save data

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