The Concept of Chinese Zodiac Fleeting Time
The Fleeting Time
The Fleeting Time in Chinese astrology means Yearly Cycle, Monthly Cycle or Daily Cycle. A year, a month or a day is kind of short from the view of entire life. Therefore we can call that Yearly Cycle is Fleeting Year, Monthly Cycle is Fleeting Month and Daily Cycle is Fleeting Day.
The Major Cycle is 10 years long. Most people will live through 5 to 8 Major Cycles today. Therefore, we can see people's major luck of their life from the Major Cycles. To see the best year in the Major Cycle is from the Fleeting Year. The Major Cycle and Yearly Cycle together can determine what good or bad luck will happen. The Monthly Cycle and Daily Cycle is to predict when that event will happen.
The Birth Chart and Astrological Cycles
The Chinese birth chart is the information of people's destiny. The astrology cycles are the information about people's fortune. The birth chart is like the genetic codes. The astrology cycles are the schedule of environmental Influences on gene. The birth chart is like a car from different auto makers. The astrology cycles are the pathways with different conditions. A luxury car or a junk car might drive on freeway or rocky road under good or poor weather.
A better quality birth chart is its Five Elements in a kind of balanced shape. Or a birth chart is without any Stem Fighting and Branch Fighting relationships inside. Or a birth chart has the Lucky Element showing in both Stem and Branch. Or a birth chart has at least two or even three Lucky Elements.
A poor quality birth chart is its Five Elements are out of balance, unless extremely out of balance. Or a birth chart has too many Stem Fighting or Branch Fighting relationships. Or a birth chart has too many Stem Attraction and Branch Attraction relationships. Or a birth chart has only one or no Lucky Element.
Birth Chart | Astrology Cycle | Result |
Five Elements in Good Shape |
Contain Lucky Elements |
Best Luck |
Five Elements in Bad Shape | Contain Lucky Elements | Good Luck |
Five Elements in Good Shape |
Contain Unlucky Elements |
Fair Luck |
Five Elements in Bad Shape | Contain Unlucky Elements | Bad Luck |
Good Fortune (astrological cycles) is much better than Good Destiny (birth chart). If a person has a poor quality birth chart, but the Lucky Elements keep coming from the astrological cycles, then the person will feel very lucky in the whole life.
The Birth Chart - Stage of Life
Hour | Day | Month | Year | |
Stem |
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Branch |
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Schedule | Late Age | Middle Age | Growing Age | Early Age |
55+ | 37-54 | 19-36 | 1-18 |
The Year Column of birth chat is the information about your family background, related to
your grand parents and parents.
The Month Column of birth chat is the information about your family, related to
your parents and siblings.
The Day Column of birth chat is the information about your marriage, related to
yourself and spouse.
The Hour Column of birth chat is the information about your children.
According to United Nation, (see, the average of lifespan for developed countries is over 76 years. Therefore, we assume that the lifespan of a person is 76 years. (Note: different fortunetellers might have different opinions and use different numbers).
The Stem-Branch of Year Column is most active during roughly before age 18.
The Stem-Branch of Month Column is most active age 19 to age 36.
The Stem-Branch of Day Column is most active from age 37 to age 54.
The Stem-Branch of Hour Column is the most active roughly after 55.
If a female birth chart has Career Stars in both Year and Month Column, then she should have her marriage before 30. If the Career Star only shows in the Hour Column, then her marriage might be late, unless Career Star comes in early from the Major Cycle.
Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch
The Elements on the Stem imply the outlook of the birth chart. The characteristics of elements will be exposed in public. That means the element information or relationship will go public. For example, if a person has Stem Attraction Relationship involving with love or business, then people around him or her can constantly see the relationship developing.
If Stem is the trunk of a tree, then Branch is the root of a tree. That implies the Elements in the Branch Animals Signs are underground. That means the element of Branch information is hiding under the table. The related event will go secretly. If a person has Stem Attraction Relationship related to love or business, people cannot even know the relationship, unless his or her close friend or the people involved.
Five Elements in Birth Chart and Astrological Cycles
Day Master is the Stem of Day Column in the Birth Chart. Depending on the Day Master, Five Elements can connected to Five Stars - Companion, Fame, Money, Career, and Parent stars. The Five Stars appearing in the Birth Chart imply the persons or happening events are around the home town. The Five Stars appearing in the Astrological Cycles imply the persons or encountering events are from out of town or far away from home.
For example, the Day Master is Water. The Water in the Birth Chart represents your siblings or friends you see them often. The Water in the Yearly Cycle represents friends from other city, other state or other country. Water from Cycle might be your sibling living far away. Water from Cycle might be your old friend who hasn't seen for a while. Water from Cycle might be a friend from Internet.
If Fire is the Money Star or Earth is the Career Star, then Fire or Earth in the Astrological Cycles means the Money or Career opportunity is from out of town. Either the person has to leave the home town for the business or the person has to deal with people at long distance via phone, mail, email or video meeting. The person will have better Money or Career opportunity with distant clients than the local customers.
The Summary of Birth Chart and Astrological Cycles
Birth Chart | Astrology Cycle | ||
Stem |
Outside, On the Table, Surface, Public |
Home Town, Impact for Life | Long Distant Place, Impact during cycle |
Branch | Inside, Under the Table, Deep, Hidden |
The Attraction Relationships
The Attraction Relationship can bring people good mood. That's a good sign for people's fortune. However, the Attraction Relationship is not necessary to bring in good luck to the person. It depends that the development of Attraction Relationship goes to which of Five Elements environment. If the result of Attraction Relationship are in the Lucky Element environment, then Attraction Relationship brings the good luck. If the result of Attraction Relationship are in the unlucky Element environment, then Attraction Relationship brings the bad luck.
For example, Male Wood and Female Earth have Attraction Relationship into Earth. If Male Wood is the Day Master, then Earth is connect to money. If the Day Master is strong, then Earth is the Lucky Element and the Male Wood and Female Earth relationship will bring in the money luck. If the birth chart is from a young man, then he has good relationship with female and has the very good chance for marriage.
>Conversely, if Earth is the unlucky Element, then the Attraction Relationship will bring the bad money luck. If the Attraction Relationship is from a man, then he has a love relationship with female, but women will bring trouble to him. Money loss is very possible. If the Attraction Relationship is from a person own a business, then the person might have a business contract or agreement with the other company, but they don't like the deal each other. If the Attraction Relationship is related to money investment then the money income from this opportunity will come first, but it will end up a loss.
No matter what the ending result is good or bad. Basically, people should have the chance to enjoy some moment during the period of Attraction Relationship. For example, if the Attraction Relationship is connected to money, then the person should enjoy money spending for overbudget shopping, party, vacation or donation.
The Fighting Relationships
The Fighting Relationship always bring up something to trouble people directly or indirectly. If Fighting Relationship is involved Day Column, then sometimes will bother you directly. If Fighting Relationship is involved Month Column, then something related to your parents or siblings will bother you.
If Fighting Relationship is among Astrological Cycles, such as Major Cycle and Yearly Cycle, not in the Birth Chart, then sometimes is not related to you directly will trouble you. Something like that you have two neighbors are fighting each other constantly and their relationship impacts your peace, mood and safety.
If Fighting Relationship is involved the Lucky Element, then that might be a bad sign for your luck. If Fighting Relationship is involved the unlucky Element, then that might bring you a good result, but you just need to fight to get it.
If Fighting Relationships are involved with Stems and Branches among Year, Month, Day and Hour Columns, then the entire Birth Chart is shaking. If the person won't die, then he or she must suffer lots of pain physically or mentally.
If Fighting Relationships are involved with Stems and Branches among any three Columns of the Birth Chart, then the person should pay attention on his or her health or safety.
The Five Element Harmony Index Scores
The Five Element Harmony Index showing in the Welcome Page of Chinese Fortune Angel is the combination scores of Stem-Branch Attraction Relationships and Fighting Relationships. The Index score will be positive, if the Attraction Relationships are more than Fighting Relationships. The positive score implies the day will go by smoothly for the person in the Welcome page. We can use the Harmony Index to choose the day for a special event, such as party, dating, interview, meeting or even the wedding.
The Five Element Balance Index Scores
The Astrological Cycle Fleeting Time provides the prediction base on Five Elements, which can foresee what type of events will happen. The Lucky Element to determine the result is good or bad. Sometimes, the Lucky Elements become unlucky because of Stem-Branch Attraction or Fighting relationships.
The Five Element Balance Index showing in the Welcome Page of Chinese Fortune Angel is the alternative way to predict people fortune without knowing the Lucky Elements. Each Birth Chart has its Five Element Balance Index. The Balance Index is the meter to weight Five Elements. If Five Elements are out of balance, then the Balance Index will be higher. If Five Elements are in a balanced shape, the Balance Index will be lower.
When The Astrological Cycles bring in additional Five Elements to meet the Birth Chart, we need to weight all the Five Elements again. If the new Balance Index is higher than Birth Chart Index, that means Five Elements are much out of balance. One of Five Elements must be too strong or too weak. When Five Elements fight, then one of Five Elements must become a loser, which is a sign of bad luck. If new Balance Index is lower, then Five Elements become more balance. The wining or losing among Five Elements Fighting won't become a big impact to the birth chart, which is a lucky sign.
The Five Element Balance Index only provides a general information. It doesn't count any scores for the Attraction and Fighting relationships. Therefore, the detail prediction still needs to study each Stem and Branch relationships.
The Five Element Balance Index Method won't work for Extremely Strong and Extremely Weak birth charts. The Balance Index scores have to interpret oppositely. The higher Balance Index is better.